Jamie Raskin, the ranking member of Comer’s committee had made the claim that the FBI document exonerated Joe Biden. He claimed that the Western District of Pennsylvania Scott Brady testified that Raskin was wrong and that his investigation into Joe Biden was closed due to the fact that they had no evidence against Dementia Joe.
Rather it was the FBI stonewalling evidence needed that forced the investigation to close. Raskin, like Adam Schiff finds it easier to lie than to defend Joe Biden.
The letter reads:
“In the course of this investigation, you have been a spirited critic of the need to look into President Biden or his family. It is of course your prerogative to determine how best to serve your constituents, Abbe Lowell, and the American people. However, the Oversight Committee must not be used as a means to propagate false or deceptive information, and for that purpose, we must address public statements you have made that contradict facts and are, unfortunately, lies.”
“The Committee requests that you formally correct the record and apologize to the American people for spreading disinformation about evidence collected by the Committee during its investigation of President Biden.”
“Additionally, we ask, Mr. Raskin, that you take seriously your position as Ranking Member of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability and its incumbent responsibility to be honest regarding facts learned in the course of investigations—even those that are inconvenient to your own political views. While we appreciate your role up to this point has been to play defense counsel for the Biden family, it is time to follow the evidence and speak the truth.”
Brady told the Judiciary Committee:
“My understanding of Mr. Raskin’s public statements is that, based on the determination that I and my team found the allegations in the 1023 not credible or other information not credible, we did not escalate the assessment to a limited or full investigation. That’s not true.”
Ranking Member Jamie Raskin is spreading disinformation and lying to the American people about evidence collected by @GOPoversight during its investigation of President Joe Biden.
He should apologize, correct the record, and stop playing lawyer for the Biden family. pic.twitter.com/Nr7OuuEF62
— Rep. James Comer (@RepJamesComer) October 26, 2023
The letter written by Comer cites Brady’s refutation of Raskin’s claims that Brady’s team terminated an investigation into the document. Raskin made his claims in June when the FBI allowed Oversight Committee members to view the document prior to Republican Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley releasing it to the public in July.
Brady was tasked with reviewing the FD-1023 document’s contents and testified the bribery allegations came from a confidential human source who previously worked with the FBI. He found the document credible enough to brief other U.S. Attorneys on its contents and suggest further investigative steps.
Brady dispelled claims the document came from information about Ukraine sent to authorities by former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani. Grassley made the same assertion in a letter he wrote Tuesday to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray. (RELATED: FBI Allegedly Covered Up Biden Family Accusations By Calling Them ‘Foreign Disinformation,’ Sen Grassley Finds)
Raskin and other Oversight Committee Democrats have repeatedly called for Giuliani to testify as part of the impeachment inquiry into President Biden. The Biden family and its business associates brought in more than $24 million from Ukraine, Russia, China, Romania and Kazakhstan from 2014-19, according to a House memo circulated prior to the impeachment inquiry hearing.
Joe Biden called the bribery allegations “malarkey” in June, and the White House has said he was “not in business” with his son.
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Democrats, in general, are lying piles of amphibian feces who warrant zero respect or credibility in my estimation. Schiff, Schumer, Raskin, Pelosi and many others are at the top of the list. In other words the list would be horizontal rather than vertical
Jimmy I agree; anyone of sound mind and character with a heart and soul that’s tuned into God’s absolute truth has to agree with your assessment of the Democrat Party and these very vile promoters of falsehood and evil, of which these specific individuals you point out are the ringleaders!
This Holy Scripture speaks about these who are most a contemptuous lot!
Psalm 31:18 Aramaic Bible in Plain English “And the lips of the evil shall be stopped, for they speak lies and insanity against the righteous.”
Titus 3:11 “For people like that have turned away from the truth, and their own sins condemn them.”
Job 15:5-6 “For your iniquity instructs your mouth, and you choose the language of the crafty. 6Your own mouth, not mine, condemns you; your own lips testify against you.”
I wish I could just apologized for lying to congress. I would go to jail. Why not him? (socialism)
Very true. That is why Comer or anyone for that matter demanding that ANY democrat tell the truth is an absolute absurdity. Only thing worth doing is reading back their lies, convicting and imprisoning them, or hanging them for treason.
captain blasto; true, and what I just dropped on this site elsewhere is fitting here as well to accentuate the fact of the matter as it really truly is!
Not if and when Martial Law is declared which it absolutely should be and will be if this Republic under God is to survive! You do realize we don’t have a legitimate FBI or DHS presently, correct? A Wide Open Border that many terrorists have already walked across and are now here; so this is the battle ground not some far away shit-hole! They already tore those locales a new one long ago now its America’s turn to get ripped! The only hope there is now to ward off the complete Chaos that is coming up the road is for the DOD to take over the country and clean out every evil criminal or terrorist agent and place them in GITMO, not for a better as you say or worse treatment but to be tried as Terrorists by a Military Tribunal and Executed; in case you and many out there didn’t get it yet we are at WAR! It’s already “too little too late” so the “old rules” you allude to don’t even apply or matter, who’s been going by the rules or book anyway; the country is on the precipice of all out collapse and anarchy; we now have generations of “flaky off the wall” pagan people making up the citizenry population with multitudes being shipped in that are as bad or worse; that have no love of country least of all America or God! Anything short of what I mention will be useless and far too late! Too many People didn’t stay true to “the reason America became a Nation under God” in the first place and for some time it did shine as a “beacon of Hope” in this corrupted evil world! No more it’s as evil as the rest!
It already is too late sorry to say! After 911 the ball got dropped “big time” when the “Republic under God” made the illegitimate Muslin the POTUS for 8 years and now gave him 4 more to finish the job!
Think about it; since 911 didn’t wake up the American citizenry enough the public later allowed a Muslim liar Obama, “the illegal president,” to sweet talk them into allowing him and all the “inclusion nonsense” to run rampant! To where we now have anti-American so called congresswomen along with others throughout the society “on all levels” now, that have condoned allowing these “madmen” like the Terrorist in NYC teaching kids how to blow up buildings; to be planted like “seeds of evil” into our “Republic under God” the “Judaea-Christian God of the Bible.”
Not a made up false one; as they go about doing their evil work to destroy America, which they are now doing here in this case I mention as just “one small” example, turning this nation of ours into another Middle East like “terrorist spawning ground and hate filled cauldron!” “You see where this is going” if it isn’t stopped soon? Not just Jews but Christians and many other groups or individuals being attacked, and mayhem; that will make the “Summer of Love” the “2020 Nationwide Riots” over that evil criminal Floyd look like “child’s play!”
I would love that all of this would go away but its not going to, and very bad things are coming!
God bless.
In case you may ask why do I do this? It’s not for any attention or pat on the back but it’s only because I do care and hope that by trying my best to do God’s will each day in speaking about the truth, first God’s Truth and then what I see going on in this upside-down twisted world; that maybe a few more people might awaken before it is too late for them! Our immortal souls, that’s what it is all about and where they end up for eternity; nothing else, which really is what it’s all about; we are in a spiritual warfare! Decide for yourselves where you hope and pray to be when the final curtain call comes, which it does for all of us one way or another and nobody knows when that moment of truth will come! Prepare yourselves so you will be judged worthy! Amen.
Ephesians 6:11-13 “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand.”
Raskin’s still wearing his “doo rag” for sympathy? The minute he disclosed that “he had cancer”, he put the rag on his head seemingly in an attempt to exploit his condition. Before his theatrics, he wore what looked like an ill fitting dead rat on his head, so I doubt that even if he did get chemo treatment, he had no hair to fall out anyway. What a phony.
He’s a Leftist piece of dirt. What should we expect, dog?
So that is what the “Doo Rag” is all about. I never knew why the monkey wore it, so I appreciate your information on what prompted it. I think you hit the nail on the head with the continued sympathy ploy.
the ole’ Ted Kennedy sympathy neck brace. is still working on the inferior, stupid and gullible
We demand that you apologize for lying about the Biden crime family. But please by all means keep your position on the Committee on Oversight and Accountability(seriously) because of your integrity. Pleeeease the Republicans are more worthless than the Democrats. The Democrats stick together and push their evil agenda and the Republicans just sit back and take it. I’m Siiiiiccccckkkkk of it.
In my 87 on Planet Earth, I still wonder why I spent 24 years in the U S Navy, missing many of my children’s accomplishments. The way America is now being led I don’t believe my time was worth it. People like those living in the WH and those leading the 3 Letter groups are making a mockery of the pages the Founders spent many days crafting. When I was a child I looked up to the leaders from FDR to JFK and then along came those that had figured a way to cheat and control the once great Country I was so proud to serve and defend.
Neither Party is blameless, but i believe the Democrats are by far the most corrupt, led by Hillary, Shurmer, Biden and of course Obama and Biden. Pelosi can count herself responsible for many of the acts of disloyalty and greed. The sham of the 1/6 committee that she orchestrated will go down as the most unlawful persecution of innocent American Citizens. This is now leading our 44th President to be charged with various “crimes” in order to deny his contesting the rule under Biden.
Thank You for your service. Without men and women like you this country could be speaking Chinese.
Thank you for your service. One correction. President Trump was the 45th president, not the 44th. The 44th I believe was Obama.
my dad was on the USS Enterprise in WWII. Guess how many men on that ship believed Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack? Z E R O
SCPOUSNRetired; Thank You Sir for your “valiant and honorable” service to our Country!
You stated the case and reality here perfectly, and I know what you said is a “Godsend” for all Genuine Americans to Wake-Up fast because this is now a train wreck waiting to happen!
One thing people must do is recognize that too many of us may have been manipulated and propagandized over many decades now to keep “swallowing lies” while being “brainwashed” into being “useful idiots” that got many “far off course” in maintaining their “moral as well as faith responsibilities” as a Christian People to “what is this nation under God” which was raised up through God’s “divine providence” to be the beacon of light and hope “leading nation” of the world for righteousness and God’s plan for humanity!
But all the while far too many of us have shirked out responsibility and preferred selfish gain or mundane pleasure over “Fighting the Good Fight!” If not for the good mostly selfless and brave men and women like you, the Republic would have been lost long before now! It’s very difficult to take on all darkest evil of the world head-on without reservation, but, previous generations had to do that to save our Republic and peoples of the world; and jumped in to do it! So did we think magically the work was over and we were “Home Free” with all “Smooth Sailing Ahead?”
We have to recognize that the most diabolical evil of the universe just regroups in time with “a newly devised scheme to crush and control humanity!” We are now in the throes of the most “diabolical hellish” plan hatched by the “father of all lies” ever to take “possession of the entire human race” and we can either sit back “minions” and accept that we’re all “going to hell in a hand basket” like many “politicians or so called leaders” have, or we can “first pray to Almighty God” for his love, power and strength to be filling our hearts and souls now in the name of Jesus; as we seek what we can do as individuals and collectively, to first “serve His will,” but also, that we “not fail in our responsibilities and duties as human beings who are children of God” who fully appreciate “this gift” given to us that we must “uphold and defend!”
Ephesians 6:12 “tells us we are against “spiritual forces of evil.” In this spiritual battle, we must put on the “Armor of God” and pray for strength and protection. Although spiritual warfare can seem daunting, Jesus has already won the victory!”
True, a tiger roaring with a pussycat keeping it company!
What is most appalling is that every time Dems open their mouth to indict anyone on the right, including one of the greatest Presidents of the USA, in anything, at the end, it just happens they are the ones committing exactly the same crime they are trying to stick to Republicans.
J6, Pelosi has orchestrated it and, they do nothing to squash the real insurrection being committed by their left-wing “Squad”.
Mar-o-Lago documents. While President Trump had full authority to declassify any of those and even if he did not do that for some, the documents were kept under FBI approved lock and under Secret Service protection, it happened that Biden had sensitive documents, which he actually had stolen while he was a Senator, and even those he took while being VP, he had no authority to take them from the SCIF and keep them absolutely unprotected. Nothing is happening under “watchful eyes” of Biden’s DOJ.
Quid-pro-Quo for a perfect phone call with subsequent attempt at impeachment. Biden was already proven of committing Quid-pro-Quo for personal purposes. Raskin is mocking the due process and trying to brick stalling the Comer’s Committee by spreading disinformation.
Democrats being a uniparty, must go in the next elections.
I agree!!!
T-200q; right on all counts! I believe it was the notorious propaganda minister of Adolph Hitler’s SS Gestapo Joseph Goebbels that said “Keep accusing the opposition of everything of which you are guilty of doing!” This is “exactly what they’ve been doing” in this failed government for years now!
“Nothing new and Nothing” being done to actually “Stop it” while placing all those responsible and “guilty of doing it” in prison!
RED states need to separate from this evil empire… like the founders and Jesus said to do
You want truth from Raskin? Just look at him.
Wow, fantastic weblog format! How lengthy have you ever been blogging for?
you make running a blog look easy. The full glance of your website is magnificent,
as well as the content!
take raskin off of any and all committees he is on
jeff; ditto, absolutely!
Democraps can ONLY LIE. Were one to knowingly cartel the TRUTH the WORTHLESS FECAL MATTER overflowing their otherwise empty skulls would EXPLODE wiping out everything in a 50 Mile Radius. Pedo Joe, his evil spawn(children especially Hunter), and family( Brothers) are all CRIMINALS and belong in cells awaiting long prison terms along with a NOOSE for selling America out to her ENEMIES.
Raskin is and has been a liar. He can only see thru the DNC tinted glasses and partisan bias. It is OK to have a different view. It is not OK to regularly lie to try and advance your political agenda. People like Raskin are disgusting and think they can do anything(lie, cheat, misinform) as long it aids them in achieving their goal.