Ex-President Donald Trump has declared his plan to remove taxes from Social Security checks should he be re-elected to the presidency.
This proposal is included in the 2024 GOP Platform, “Make America Great Again!” recently unveiled by the Republican National Committee (RNC), which draws inspiration from the ongoing legacy of Trump’s vision.
“The Republican National Committee (RNC) Platform Committee adopted President Donald J. Trump’s 2024 Republican Party Platform with overwhelming support– a pro-American agenda that stands in stark contrast to the record of weakness, failure, and dishonesty created by Joe Biden,” the Trump campaign said.
“President Trump’s platform serves as a contract with the American voter that makes clear what we can and will deliver under a President Trump administration with the Republican Party leading the country for the next four years.”
The platform strongly prioritizes safeguarding Social Security and Medicare, assuring no reduction or alteration of the retirement age.
This assurance deeply resonates with countless Americans who depend on these programs for their financial security.
“Fight For And Protect Social Security And Medicare With No Cuts, Including No Changes To The Retirement Age” is one of the twenty core promises highlighted in the platform.
On Wednesday, Trump took to Truth Social to amplify his message. “SENIORS SHOULD NOT PAY TAX ON SOCIAL SECURITY!” he declared, framing the tax elimination as a necessary step to ensure that seniors can keep more of their hard-earned benefits.
Many have enthusiastically embraced his statement, seeing the proposal as a direct solution to the financial challenges experienced by elderly Americans.
Below are some of the reactions online:
American seniors worked hard their entire lives and paid into Social Security with every paycheck they got.
I completely agree with President Trump! American seniors shouldn’t pay a penny of tax on Social Security.
It’s only right that the same system they’ve paid into their… pic.twitter.com/6p7dgvRFps
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 (@RepMTG) July 31, 2024
President Trump says Social Security should not be taxed!
This is a very popular position. I ran on this when I ran for Congress in The Villages and I WON the Villages, the largest retirement community in the country!
Wow! I Wonder who gave Trump this idea….#Trump2024… pic.twitter.com/hKur72GyQj
— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) July 31, 2024
In the past, Democrats have proposed taxing Social Security benefits. Joe Biden supported a 1983 bipartisan amendment to tax 50% of benefits for higher-income individuals and a 1993 measure to increase this… pic.twitter.com/91XjxEixGR
— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) July 31, 2024
This should have every single American Citizen voting for Trump!
Until you've had to live on Social Security, either retirement or disability, you won't understand how HUGE this is!!!
If you have Trump Derangement Syndrome, GET OVER IT and ACT LIKE A DAMN ADULT! pic.twitter.com/qrUGRJHaOI
— David Farris (@Farris_TN) July 31, 2024
This man just keeps getting better…
ICYMI: Trump Shares Social Media Post Linking Chris Wray and FBI to Assassination Attempt
I know Trump would have been exponentially a way better POTUS than what has infested our government as of late, and the carving knife treatment done back when Obama the Devil’s cohort along with the lying Bush family and Clinton’s did to America. But “push has come to shove” and “the bottom is already falling out” of the global economy! And America being near 40 $Trillion in debt and rising fast is kaput too! The sad reality is that devastation is just up the immediate road and nothing will pull any of it out of the quagmire that it’s heading down into!
The only hope is Jesus Christ, and far too many Americans have not genuinely held sacred that belief for too long now, and look at the result!
Turn to Christ Jesus.
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What is ironic is the lib dems always screaming that the Republicans want to take away S.S. when in FACT, the only ones to ever tamper with S.S. have been DEMOCRATS! Lyndon Johnson took S.S. out of the Trust and put it in to the General Fund to pay for Viet Nam and, in so doing, started the rapid decline in solvency of S.S. Clinton TAXED S.S. and Obama “means tested” benefits for all city, county, state and federal employees who receive a pension BUT also paid in to S.S. their whole carriers, basically cutting THEIR benefits to 1/10th. S.S. is now an annual “budget” item that the government always claims is one of the biggest “expenses”, though they never mention the INCOME side. I also want to give a shout out to Erica Carlin for her awesome reporting!!!
He needs to go a step farther. Take social security out of the general fund and put it back in its own account the way it was. We can thank lbj for that. Another crocked demoncrate.
After voting to tax it twice Biden and Democrats are going to be mad!!!
Your blog is a treasure trove of valuable insights and thought-provoking commentary. Your dedication to your craft is evident in every word you write. Keep up the fantastic work!
I want to congratulate the US Citizens/Voters that are showing their true colors as Natural Born US Citizens. They are fully backing the fundamental principles written in the US Constitution by the Founders and which have allowed us to create the most powerful and just Body Politic in the world and for over 230 years.
Now these Patriots must come forward to defend the Union against our enemies from within, enemies that want to destroy what we have accomplished. We have to get them out of our land and ship them back to their countries or where they can implement their satan driven policies – where they truly belong.
Mr. Trump, you are definitely a hero to the American People!
Amen. In Jesus’ name.
Civil Service Retirement contributions were made from after-tax money. Civil Service Retirement annuity payments should not be taxed.
Of course the Radical lefties elite Democrats are going to be mad because they will not be in power to TAX US so they can spend it on reckless policies that only benefit themselves. The democrats are just a bunch of thieves in everything they do! If they get anymore power they will need money and certainly they will not be using their own or their lobbyist or their rich donors they will tap into OUR SS BANK ACCOUNTS AND CITIZENS BANK ACCOUNTS.
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The government confiscates over 15% of your wages, but rather than invest it, they spend it! If they had invested it conservatively the average American would receive an income approximately 4x what Social Security pays out today AND at their death they would still have on average $650,000 in their estate.
If a financial advisor or investment manager had done what the Federal government has done they’d be jailed for the rest of their lives!
Leftshot; great point and I agree 100%. We know who all these white collar criminals care about; NUMBER ONE! Self-serving blowhards for the most part! They love riding the gravy train!