President Joe Biden has prioritized sleep during his time in office, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal.
The establishment media’s post-debate coverage highlighted this common theme.
Biden reportedly scheduled debate prep to start no earlier than 11:00 a.m. and took naps during each of the six days of preparation.
He also informed governors that he avoids scheduling events after 8:00 p.m. in order to prioritize sleep.
The president, aged 81, has been known not to work later than 8:00 p.m., and reportedly did not attend an informal event with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in June 2022, sending Secretary of State Antony Blinken in his place due to needing rest.
The White House denied these claims, but reports indicated that Biden appeared worn out at a summit due to the lack of air conditioning, although the State Department disputed this.
Additionally, there were reports of White House staff being protective of Biden’s time with the media.
They placed barriers in front of reporters at times and kept the media at a distance during events, even playing music to prevent Biden from hearing questions.
When the media does get a chance to speak with Biden, his aides speak with the media members to obtain the questions, the Journal reported:
Senior White House advisers for more than a year have aggressively stage-managed President Biden’s schedule, movements and personal interactions, as they sought to minimize signs of how age has taken a toll on the oldest president in U.S. history.
The White House has limited Biden’s daily itinerary and shielded him from impromptu exchanges. Advisers have restricted news conferences and media appearances, twice declining Super Bowl halftime interviews—an easy way to reach millions of voters—and sought to make sure meetings with donors stuck to scripted pleasantries.
Senior aides dismissed travel suggestions over worries the president didn’t have the stamina for them, including an idea for Biden to make weekly cross-country trips in 2022 to tout the benefits of his infrastructure law.
Seventy-two percent of registered voters believe Biden does not have the “mental” and “cognitive health” to serve as president, a July CBS News/YouGov poll found, up seven points after the debate.
Biden, whom Special Counsel Robert Hur described as “an elderly man with a poor memory,” suffers from atrial fibrillation, peripheral neuropathy in his feet, and hyperlipidemia, according to his annual physical by physician Kevin O’Connor.
The reason for Biden’s struggle to maintain his balance could be attributed to health challenges. During his presidency, he tripped, tumbled, and stumbled at least five times.
To minimize attention to his physical ailments, Biden adopted a strategy of walking with multiple aides to and from Marine One.
Additionally, he started boarding Air Force One from the shorter steps at the rear of the aircraft instead of the taller staircase at the front.
As part of his wardrobe adjustments due to age-related needs, Biden wears specially crafted sports shoes instead of typical dress shoes with his suits.
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Biden is nothing less than demonic; he is evil to the core of his soul.
I’m sharing with you here some commentary I made on another news site that I hope will help our fellow American citizens to see the truth and follow God’s will.
Correct Michael; this is a crock all this talk of “humanitarian” concern for these not truly vetted properly foreign nationals, especially from even hostile Arab countries like Yemen, with belief systems and ideology total against Judea-Christian precepts that America was founded on along with this nations capitalism, none of which these people respect or appreciate; they may as well say, “we even welcome all terrorists that hate Americans to come to our nation free of charge and do whatever you damn well please, all free no cost invasion for you.”
This being done by the Evil Biden administration in which Biden proudly proclaimed that he appropriated 468 $Billion dollars by his Executive Order in his first 100 Days in office for the exclusive use of abortion up to “full term day of delivery,” (murdering human babies) which was 20 times more than Obama had appropriated as president, making Biden the Abortion King, in the snuffing out of Unborn Human lives!
Along with this fact he also has done nothing for “America’s Veterans” many of which are living on the streets or severely disabled from battle injuries, and these bastards have the gall to proclaim such lies about (Humanitarian) concerns; LIARS 100%.
Biden and Mayokas only “serve an evil agenda” and Nothing else!
They should come right out and proclaim that they serve Satan!
Absolutely and there is a very dark ancient connection with that hell-hole!
“In 632, only months before he died, Muhammad apparently met for the first time with a Christian community as such. An official delegation of Christians, probably led by a bishop, came to Mecca from Najran in Yemen. After engaging the Christians in discussion, the Prophet is said to have realized that Christian teachings are indeed incompatible with Islam, after which the revelation followed that only Islam is acceptable to God as a religion. The Quran also says very specifically that those who refer to Jesus as God are blasphemers, and that Christians saying that Christ is the son of God is an imitation of Jews, who earlier had said that Ezra is the son of God. According to the Quran Jesus was only a servant; Jesus the son of Mary was no more than an apostle of God. Quranic verses dealing with Jesus’ death have been interpreted differently by commentators, but generally they have been taken to mean that Jesus did not die by crucifixion. For Christians the Quran has thus served as a denial of Jesus’ incarnation and death on the cross and of the reality of the Trinity.” (Oxford University Press)
And multitudes of these individuals are good for America? This is asking for trouble and totally insane!
This is why we all need to pray to God that they who are our enemies will be chastised and taken down by God.
Michael; I agree totally! And too many Americans have been complacent and reckless with all the great good that was bestowed upon our nation and fought for through some of the best generations behind us, which made America the best and great nation it had been. Those sacrifices by so many have been pissed away and now we are facing hell-on-earth if this isn’t stopped ASAP. These current heartless, mindless and soulless dictators don’t care what happens to any of us!
But God does; so whatever we must do, I pray all American people wake-up and seek God’s will in all they do.
How to Pray: “For wisdom to keep one step ahead of the cheating and for the means and measures to fix problems in the election system while we can. Pray that we will be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. May we vote as people who have faith in God alone, but determining to do our part to preserve this republic.” (LC)
Matthew 10:16 – Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
God bless you and all fellow Americans.
Brother in-Christ Jesus-Lawrence
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Every day I tell people to wake up because of what is happening right in front of us each day. Biden is exactly what was stated. He has used America to make his entire family rich. He doesn’t care about selling his soul to the devil. He did that a long time ago. Now, he doesn’t know the difference between God and the devil. Jill is just as bad. She tries to act like she is Miss Perfect, but what a lie that is. These politicians care about one thing – greed, power and sex. Now, everyone knows why he hid in the basement the first time around. The biggest question on Biden’s mind is “where is my ice cream?”
Doris; I agree, you very much said it like it is and these people are so beyond contemptible and egregious! It’s so sad that our nation that often times throughout its history had some very noble and even saintly type individuals in high office serving the nation, people and God; for it to now be in this state of debauchery and sin! Now it’s sadly the “lowest of the low guttersnipe dregs” from the “bottom of the barrel” who are made out to be just dandy by the media and those with power! The opposite of light is dark and that is what our government has become a very “nefarious dark machine” that is all about what you stated, “money, power and sex!” I can only state this scripture to spell out what I think humanity in general is heading toward and right here in America, with so many “who are in those ivory towers of wealth and power!”
Isaiah 5:20 “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”
That fits the Biden cabal to a “T” and the same with Clinton’s, Obama’s along with many in appointed positions throughout the government with Fauci taking the cake.
I wrote some essays not long ago and I found as a reference that Billy Graham nailed it down as to what has been happening to our institutions and society as a whole for decades and I think it’s very worthwhile to share it here for people to really ponder, and like you suggest, “Wake Up” fast because it’s gotten way worse than back when he wrote this! I start with what I wrote just a couple of weeks ago and lead into Billy Graham’s fine overview of what has happened.
America is not America anymore, but is rather an extremely sinful place where filthy rotten pornography stars are also given a green light to carry on as sinful “perpetrators of immorality” and vile conduct to feed the masses in porn films! This too while marijuana and all manner of disrespect or public vulgarity propagate to where, what my wise old grandmother used to tell me, “how so many people have no shame,” to where we see (drag queen story time for grade school children) that these things are now also legalized in America proving that something Billy Graham said not many years ago, has absolutely manifested, and I say it’s the sign that America is finished as “a good great nation under God,” but is rather under Satan right now! “If most people would wake up and turn from sin this could possibly be turned around.”
Here are Billy Graham’s own words.
“Honesty was once the hallmark of character. But it has been set aside with an “It’s all right as long as you don’t get caught” philosophy. How do we get our values so mixed up? How do we fall into this trap of Satan? For one thing, we’re shortsighted. We look for shortcuts to happiness. Our lust for immediate pleasure prompts us to think of evil as good.
In one of novelist John Steinbeck’s books, he has a character saying: “If it succeeds, they will be thought not crooked but clever.” In our desire to achieve success quickly, it is easy to get our values mixed up and call evil good and good evil.
How can we get our values straightened out? How can our warped judgment be brought into line? How can we stop calling evil good?
Some tell us that education is the answer to these questions. Prove to people that crime doesn’t pay, that illicit sex is psychologically harmful, that excessive drinking is harmful to the body and brain, that honesty is the best policy. “Let knowledge redeem them,” they say.
Others say that science is the answer. Science can make a clean bomb. Science can make a harmless cigarette. Science can cope with the problems of alcohol. Science, they say, can tap the brain of man and alter his desires and make him civilized. Science, some proclaim, is the answer to the problems of man. “God has not changed. His standards have not been lowered. God still calls immorality a sin, and the Bible says God is going to judge it.”
But the Bible, which has withstood the ravages of time, tells us a different story. It says that we possess a nature that wars against us, that seeks to destroy us. The Apostle Paul said: “I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good” (Romans 7:21). Evil is present in us disguising itself as good, controlling us and deceiving us. Sin is why the atonement was necessary. Christ died on the cross to make us one with Him—dead to sin and alive to righteousness.
Man without God is a contradiction, a paradox, a monstrosity. He sees evil as good and good as evil. That is why some people love evil and hate that which is good—they are still in their sins. For them, life’s values are confused. Paul found the cure for his violent, destructive disposition, not at the feet of Gamaliel or in the culture of Greece, but on the Damascus Road when he met Jesus Christ. Later he wrote: “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:2).
“Someone has said: “A wrong deed is right if the majority of people declare it not to be wrong.” By this principle we can see our standards shifting from year to year according to the popular vote!
“Many of our news magazines carry stories of immorality. Theologians and pastors are quoted as condoning sexual immorality under certain circumstances.
The Bible says: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil.” God has not changed. His standards have not been lowered. God still calls immorality a sin, and the Bible says God is going to judge it.”
Interesting how just the other day Biden said he is fine and fit to run for President and he checks himself out; no doctor’s evaluation required or blood tests! Really now?
Isaiah 5:21”Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight.”
Please take the time to read Billy Graham’s full sermon about this so vital subject for your own soul and those you love, by following the link.
God Bless you.
Brother in-Christ Jesus-Lawrence
rather long winded, again dude.
Long winded? Not taking the time to study and discern God’s truth is why the world is where it is now brother. People have grown too accustomed to a quick fix, or thrill and easy answers, which works so well for Satan! Yes there is instant gratification for those who turn a blind eye to what will truly “save their souls,” and that is why so many are perishing and will be lost forever.
Climb down off that high horse and humble yourself to God on your knees; dude. Stop being foolish and allowing yourself to be used by the enemy. This is no game of slick rhetoric where ones wins by having chide quip remarks toward facts and truth to elicit laughter or a following of fools.
He’s all yours liberals…AAAHHHhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
when isn’t he sleeping, the world goes to hell, because of his constant napping, oh, but he planned it this way. thank you obama, your puppet is working great.
Did poor Joey need a nappy and a glass of warm milk who going to change his diaper. This is the person who represents the best country in the world what are you f-in crazy. You assholes picked on Trump are you proud now of Biden and democrats destroying America. Bunch of dumb asses. November Trump all the way let’s get back to the way America use to be before Biden and democrats destroy the rest of us.